Tandoori Squash – Dane County Farmers Market

When I think about this beautiful season I start to think about the warm and comforting recipes. I can’t wait to share some of these easy, heart and home warming recipes over the coming months. Having said that, here is one of our favorites. Happy Cooking! Tandoori Squash: 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon whole […]

Rainbow Carrots – Dane County Farmer’s Market Series

It has been such a joy to shop at the Farmers Market these days. Today I created a beautiful recipe for these amazing carrots. It is easy, delicious and beautiful…. all the elements of White Jasmine philosophy in one nice little bundle. I love using the Harissa olive oil because it adds just the right […]

Versatile Pesto – Dane County Farmers Market Series

I love making fresh pesto and who doesn’t like pesto anyway. There are hundreds of pesto recipes, but I think that it is really fun to create one with your own favorite flavors. I love to make pesto with a combination of fresh cilantro and basil, especially right now is the perfect time to experiment. […]

Campari Tomatoes – Dane County Farmers Market Series

This summer I have decided to write a blog about some of the beautiful products from our very favorite Farmers Market. This market has grown tremendously in the past ten years or so, so much so that it has become a weekly Saturday morning event for most foodies in Madison and the surrounding area. The […]

Power of Choice!

Let’s talk about the power of choices. I do believe that if we continue to add good things to our bodies only good things can happen. So with this philosophy, I would encourage you to think about the big picture and how the choices we are making today will have an impact in the upcoming […]

Prevention rather than Cure??

I was just thinking about this the other day and what instigated this thought process is some close calls of health challenges for people I know and cherish. I feel that there is a lot of power in prevention, however, quite often it seems to me that there is more emphasis on cure rather than […]

Carbs are good for you…. oh no Carbs are bad for you??

I am sure all of us continue to hear about what is good for us one day and the next minute it is something we should cut out from our diets completely. It is rather frustrating! Here is what I think and believe, our body needs everything…. real salt, sugar, carbs, proteins, dairy. The three […]

Mediterranean Chicken

This is a very hearty and warm recipe. I love using the whole spices first which start with infusing the oil with rich and deep flavors. Onions, garlic, tomatoes and our bold and fragrant Garam Masala continue to add layers of flavor and create a beautiful, thick sauce for the chicken and Garbanzo beans to […]

Simple Lamb Curry

Lamb is one of the simple meats and readily available in Pakistan. It is considered a bit sophisticated meat compared to beef and is offered frequently when there are guests around the dining table as a sign of hospitality. It is important to add garlic and other spices generously to compliment the meat. 2 Pounds […]

Lamb Stew

Lamb is a big part of Pakistani cuisine and was mostly served during the summer months. I clearly remember that my mom used to say that lamb is one of the ‘cooler’ meats to be cooked often during the hot summer months compared to beef, which adds warmth to the body. I believe that seasons […]